Through the events we’ve worked on with, we’ve helped launch the careers of multiple talented and brilliant esport professionals who started on our team and who have since progressed to working with large esports such as Overwatch League. We’re also looking for talented, enthusiastic individuals to join our production team, so whether you’re wanting to get up front with the action of shoutcasting or game analysis, sit behind the scenes as a content producer or camera operator, or create fantastic visual stories with graphic design or SFM production, please get in touch! If you are a LAN/gaming event organiser or a sponsor looking to get involved with Team Fortress 2, get in touch!
We’re deeply involved with the competitive community, maintain direct links to the top teams, and bring the experience of video production and tournament organisation for multiple events both offline and online to create a TF2 esport event to remember. Our aim is to grow competitive Team Fortress 2 as an esport and further develop what it could be in the future. We’re looking for sponsors and event partners to work with.